Kimberly Fujitaki, Founder of Little Heroes Yoga: Kids’ Yoga for the Courageous
Kimberly Fujitaki is a 500+hr certified yoga teacher with specialized training in teaching yoga to kids and young adults from mini yogis yoga for kids, The Biz of Kids Yoga, and Cosmic Kids Yoga. She is passionate about helping families, children and young adults use yoga to find their path through the complicated periods, victorious strides and everything else in-between, by being content with the people they are in this moment.
As the owner and founder and Little Heroes Yoga, Kimberly has a profound devotion to the next generation of yogis and uses her vast knowledge of asanas (poses), meditation (mindfulness practices), and pranayama (breathing techniques) to encourage children to be their best selves, while improving self-regulation, self-esteem and connection to mind and body.
Little Heroes Yoga: Kids’ Yoga for the Courageous was created with the desire to spread yoga to kids and families everywhere and in every setting, through dynamic, creative, inspiring and adventurous ways. LHY is constantly evolving and growing with the community it has been inspired by and continues to nourish and support these amazing relationships by providing services that we can all benefit from.
For more information about Kimberly, please visit Kimberly Fujitaki Yoga kimberlyfujitakiyoga.com