Hello Yogis!
Happy First Day of Spring!!! We are super excited to be contributing to the Mindfulness Month For Kids’ and Families newsletter today for the first day of spring! If you’ve been to any of our classes you’ll know that gratitude is a huge part of the Little Heroes Yoga practice. We share our gratitude with our friends to finish our yoga practice and we think its a great way to remember just how lucky and abundant we are.
Check out our contribution to the Mindfulness Month Newsletter and join us all month long on social media for spring filled yoga fun. We have some really amazing offerings coming to you this spring and summer and we know you’re going to love them. Please subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest Little Heroes Yoga Adventures right to your inbox.

Here is a video of Mighty Maleeya singing the Little Heroes Yoga Gratitude Yoga Song! We hope you enjoy it and share gratitude with the ones you love now and always.
Have a Courageous Day!
Little Heroes Yoga